Pictures in a thousand words

You know that feeling of 'It didn't happen' until you record it? I have that feeling all the time. At present, everything that is deemed worthy of fixing in our memories gets filmed, Snapchatted, bleeted and Tweeted. But I choose to chronicle events the old fashioned way. By writing long posts. As in going many times beyond the new media standard of 140 characters.

In essence, slow stories harks back to the original weblog, the kind that people set up for writing about anything, everything and nothing. It is slow and deliberate, like any true labour of love.

slow stories provides me with an excuse to take a rain-check on the blind madness that comes with living in a fast-paced city. It gives me a chance to listen in on what my soul's chatting about because if I don't, bad things can happen :P

If for whatever reason you stumble upon slow stories (it is laughably SEO-unfriendly and breaks almost every rule on how to market a blog) and you like what you read, then great :) And thank you.

WARNING: I intend on keeping the number of images on the site at a minimum. Otherwise, what's the point of writing 1000 words?

Welcome to my lifestyle weblog done the old-fashioned way. Maybe this is one for the commute?

If you want to say hi, feel free to email me at martella888@gmail.com


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